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Best Paper Award 2014

Kimberley Breevaart from the Dept of Work & Organizational Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam won the best paper award for her article "Daily self-management and employee work engagement". Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84, 31-38 (with supervisors Arnold Bakker & Evangelia Demerouti).


The present study adopts a bottom-up approach to work engagement by examining how

self-management is related to employees' work engagement on a daily basis. Specifically, we hypothesized that on days that employees use more self-management strategies, they report higher resources at work and in turn, are more vigorous, dedicated, and absorbed in their work (i.e., engaged) on these days. We tested this hypothesis in a sample of 72 maternity nurses who filled out an online diary for 5 days (N = 360 data points). In line with our hypotheses, results of multilevel structural equation modeling analyses showed that daily self-management was positively related to the resourcefulness of the daily work environment (i.e., more skill variety, feedback, and developmental opportunities) and consequently, to employees' daily work engagement. However, contrary to our expectations, the measurement model showed that two of the five included self-management strategies (i.e., self-reward and self-punishment) loaded onto a separate factor and were unrelated to all job resources. The findings contribute to our understanding of employees' role in regulating their own daily work engagement.

Here is the link to the article: paper

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Who Am I?

I'm a professor of Organizational Psychology with an international focus. I work at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Lingnan University in Hong Kong. My research interests include positive organizational psychology, the Job Demands - Resources model, job crafting, burnout, and the work-family interface.

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