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Flow among Soccer Players

Over the last few years, we have also investigated engagement and flow during sports. In one study, we examined the relationship between environmental resources (autonomy, social support from the coach, and performance feedback), flow, and performance among young talented soccer players. The design was non-experimental and involved both self- and coach-rated reports of environmental resources, flow experiences, and performance. Both soccer players (N=398) and coaches of 45 talented soccer teams in The Netherlands filled out a questionnaire. Soccer players answered questions about environmental resources, flow and performance during a particular match. In addition, coaches rated the performance of every player in the team during the same match. Results of multilevel analyses showed that flow at the team level is higher when the match results in a draw or win than when the match results in loss. Moreover, environmental resources and particularly performance feedback and support from the coach predicted flow during the soccer game, which, in turn, was positively related to self- and coach-ratings of performance. These findings support the flow literature and the input-process-output model of team performance, and they indicate that common-method variance cannot account for the finding that the environment of soccer players facilitates flow and indirectly performance.

Here is the link to the article

Who Am I?

I'm a professor of Organizational Psychology with an international focus. I work at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Lingnan University in Hong Kong. My research interests include positive organizational psychology, the Job Demands - Resources model, job crafting, burnout, and the work-family interface.

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