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Key Publications

Bakker, A.B. (2011). An evidence-based model of work engagement. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20, 265–269.

  1. Bakker, A.B., & Demerouti, E. (2007). The Job Demands-Resources model: State of the art. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22, 309-328

  2. Bakker, A.B., Demerouti, E., Oerlemans, W., & Sonnentag, S. (2013). Workaholism and daily recovery: A day reconstruction study of leisure activities. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34, 87–107.

  3. Bakker, A.B., Demerouti, E., & Dollard, M. (2008). How job demands influence partners’ experience of exhaustion: Integrating work-family conflict and crossover theory. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 901-911.

  4. Bakker, A.B., Hakanen, J.J., Demerouti, E., & Xanthopoulou, D. (2007). Job resources boost work engagement, particularly when job demands are high. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99, 274-284.

  5. Bakker, A.B., & Schaufeli, W.B. (2008). Positive organizational behavior: Engaged employees in flourishing organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29, 147-154.

  6. Bakker, A.B., & Xanthopoulou, D. (2009). The crossover of daily work engagement: Test of an actor-partner interdependence model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 1562–1571.

  7. Demerouti, E., Bakker, A.B., Nachreiner, F., & Schaufeli, W.B. (2001). The job demands-resources model of burnout. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 499-512.

  8. Ten Brummelhuis, L.L., & Bakker, A.B. (2012). A resource perspective on the work-home interface: The work-home resources model. American Psychologist, 67, 545-556.

  9. Van der Zee, K.I., Bakker, A.B., & Bakker, P. (2002). Why are structured interviews so rarely used in personnel selection? Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 176-184.

Who Am I?

I'm a professor of Organizational Psychology with an international focus. I work at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Lingnan University in Hong Kong. My research interests include positive organizational psychology, the Job Demands - Resources model, job crafting, burnout, and the work-family interface.

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